Isle of Hyrule

Raylin Shire

"The one chosen by my creator. I have been waiting for you. You will play a role in a great destiny."

This is the home page that will lead to all the Legend of Zelda and Linked Universe content on this site.

What's here

First Hero Content Archive

A collection of content for the first hero depicted in Akira Himekawa's prequel manga for Skyward Sword in Hyrule Historia.

LoZ Links

Every online site I could find with a significant amount of LoZ-related content. (Still a major WIP)


  • A reflection on the fluidity of the LoZ canon timeline, and how I approach the idea of canon in general. Possibly lead into an exploration of asking what canon means anyways/what counts as canon
  • An analysis of why so many people hate Skyward Sword, from someone who considers it my favorite LoZ game
  • How I got into LoZ
  • Add emulation links
  • My hopes and theories for the sequel to BotW
  • Why I think Linked Universe should get it's own canon fandom tag on Ao3 despite being a fandom generated by fan content
  • Possibly a shrine for the Skyward Sword manga, but the First Hero Content Archive is basically a shrine for it already
  • An introduction to what Linked Universe is and the fandom
  • An exploration of where Linked Universe intersects with Zelda canon, and where it differs